Travel free
Travel independently
Are you ready to add more fun and travel into your life, without sacrificing your job? If we can do it, you can do it! Let us show you how!

Hi, we are Matthias & Mieke
Together we raised our only child, called “Pack to life”. We live and work full-time in Belgium but are also full-time travel lovers! Combining a job and travel as much as possible can look daunting for many. With our blog we want to share our tips on how to budget, plan and create the right mindset to explore the world without quitting your job! Our mission is to show you that with a decent planning, it is possible to visit different countries a year, within the limited holidays you have. With our in-depth stories, inspiring photography and informative videos we want to help you to navigate through this beautiful planet!
Our main passions are nature and the outdoors. Having a self-build campervan allows us to roam freely and affordable. Incorporating micro-adventures in our daily lifes helps us to find the right balance between our jobs and our travel addiction.
Are you ready to add more fun and travel into your life, without sacrificing your job? If we can do it, you can do it! Let us show you how!
Happy travels!
Matthias and Mieke
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